Elizabeth Smith, Master Astrocartographer
People often come to me who’ve been deeply affected by something they read or were told about a detail in their personal astrology chart or astrocartography map that left them feeling uneasy or troubled.
Some feel depressed, limited or even doomed in some way like they have no choice but to live in the shadow of whatever influence they’ve been informed is destined to restrict their future success or well-being.
Here are some suggestions if you’ve ever found yourself in that position:
An astrological interpretation, even by the most reputable astrologer, is by nature, always subjective. It’s always colored and defined by the lens of the life experiences and studies of the interpreter. Even the most gifted human is seeing through a restricted lens by virtue of being human. If something leaves you feeling uneasy research it further to get other perspectives.
Remember that unless someone is looking deeply at your entire natal chart (as well as the many complimentary charts that provide additional information) so they have a holistic perspective that is in the context of your entire celestial picture, they can see only generalities. How your particular influence will play out in terms of specific events, possibilities, etc. remains an unknown.
If you read something computer generated or in print, there is absolutely no personal context for that interpretation except a highly generic one which offers even more limited insight on exactly how the influence will unfold.
Be aware that any singular astrological influence or placement can play out in an infinite number of ways. If you walked into a room of 1000 people born with the Sun in Gemini, while there are certain general characteristics that they likely would hold in common, their life stories would be as unique from one another as their faces.
Nature thrives on, and is sustained by, diversity.
Realize that you, your state of mind as well as your expectations have an enormous amount of influence over how your astrological details unfold. What vibrational frequency do you bring to what you’ve been given? I’ve seen people with charts and maps that look enormously difficult on paper have very high quality lives. I’ve also seen people who are extraordinarily fortunate on paper yet they are very dissatisfied by life.
We always have a choice about how we respond to fate.
You have the power to choose which thoughts and beliefs you take in and give energy to and which you choose not to identify with. Our thoughts, as solid as they seem, exist in the realm of energy as mere suggestions. Believing something, however, feeds it, grows it and can eventually bring what we give our attention to into being in the world of form.
Your attention is a powerful catalyst so choose what thoughts you dwell on very consciously. Worrying is praying for what we don’t want.
Lastly, good astrology necessitates that the reader have excellent left as well as right brain skills. If they are a master of data but have no intuitive sense of how to deliver information in an empowering style, they are only halfway there. Choose someone who has a command of the information but not at the expense of compassion and skillful means for delivering it.