It should take into consideration global latitudinal influences as well as local longitudinal influences, the cadent and succedent house planets and aspects as well as the angular houses and it should consider the crossings at very short range. While the vertical lines are consistent for hundreds of miles east to west, the horizontal influences called ‘crossings’ or ‘parans’, that don’t appear visually on many astrocartography software programs, change at short ranges as you move north and south. This means an area of your life may be radically different on the north side of a city than it would be on the south end.

These quick changes demand careful assessment which is often overlooked in the current astrocartography world, reflective as it is of modern pop culture which encourages a lust for quick, easy solutions. For example, it’s not uncommon for DIYers or those who have readings from less experienced astrologers to relocate simply because of the presence of one benevolent planetary line. This is like looking at a single planet in your birth chart and thinking that’s enough to tell you who you are!

To use the map superficially like this, without taking the time to look deeply and in great detail, especially, as emphasized above, at the quickly changing crossings, is a colossal but, sadly, very common mistake! This kind of fast but superficial assessment, as well as using an astrocartography map without consulting the corresponding charts in tandem, will yield an incomplete view of the locations being considered.

The best system involves using a comprehensive combination of multiple modalities as they provide complimentary information.

The best outcome arises from investing time in a careful and thorough assessment which considers all factors mentioned above.

We’ll make use of the following tools to provide you with the most insight-filled, holistic experience:


Projects your birth information onto a world map to reveal your ideal locations for love, wealth, health, career success, public recognition, fun, improved physical stamina, adventure, marketing, investing, conflict resolution, spiritual illumination, inner peace and more. It also illuminates the astrological influences that get activated in our lives from around the world no matter where we are, when we spend significant time with someone born there. Private sessions focus on your unique goals and reveal the most supportive planetary locations for pursuing your individual wishes as well as ways of working with less than ideal planetary influences so they, too, can begin to serve your personal empowerment, health and happiness. They may also explore places that you are intuitively drawn to or that are significant in defining your life journey such as birth place, present residence(s) or any significant locations in the past.


Reveals the astrocartography influences described above that are currently passing over your birth place (and affecting you even if you no longer reside there) as well as locations worldwide shaping who you are, how you navigate the world and what you attract in your life today and for the next several years. Progressed maps can also be calculated for any past or future date you wish to explore from a stellar perspective. Analysis of the progressions is recommended annually for those who wish to stay abreast of these powerful temporary influences. THE PROGRESSED MAP BECOMES MORE AND MORE SIGNIFICANT AND RESONANT AS WE AGE. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO EXPLORE PROGRESSIONS IF YOU’RE PAST YOUR FIRST SATURN RETURN which happens in our late 20s.


Your life’s owner’s manual. Explores stellar influences at the time of birth that continually shape who you are, how you navigate the world and what you attract. The traditional Birth Natal Chart provides a clear, panoramic view of your whole life. Recommended (though not required) as a first step for the astrological novice. Provides an excellent foundation for navigating more complex astrological tools.


Reveals current celestial influences which, in addition to those programed at birth, have a strong impact on shaping who you are, how you navigate the world and what you attract in your life today and for the next year. Can also be calculated for any past or future date you wish to explore from a stellar perspective. Recommended annually to stay abreast of astrological influences are they impact your life with change and growth. THE PROGRESSED CHART BECOMES MORE AND MORE SIGNIFICANT AND RESONANT AS WE AGE. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO EXPLORE PROGRESSIONS IF YOU’RE PAST YOUR SECOND SATURN RETURN which happens in our late 20s.


Reveals where and how the influences in all 12 houses of your natal and/or progressed charts effecting all arenas of your life, shift when you relocate or travel away from your birth place to a specific new location. A detailed astrological analysis of the themes that are likely to be activated in a single location (city, town or county) in the world.


“This was the most fascinating view of my past, present and future life I’ve ever had. The three hours flew. And your way of sharing it was so uplifting, so different from the discouragement I’ve felt after other readings. This knowledge will change our whole life forever. It is priceless.” -Renata, after completing the Supreme Session



An overview analysis of your permanent natal influences Including planetary lines, crossings/parans, zenith points, harmonious and disharmonious aspects to determine most beneficial locations.

60 minute session | $370



An in-depth exploration of your permanent natal influences and dynamic progression influences (active anywhere from 2-10 years) Including planetary lines, crossings/parans, zenith points and harmonious and disharmonious aspects to determine most beneficial locations.

Twp 60 minute sessions | $350 ea


A comprehensive exploration of all family members’ permanent natal influences. Our exploration includes planetary lines, crossings / parans, zenith points, harmonious and disharmonious aspects as they are revealed in each individual map. This is then followed by an in-depth analysis of how each unique individual’s potential, as well as the collective needs of the couple/ family, can be best addressed and honored with the goal of choosing locations that would be most beneficial and auspicious for all involved.

(You are the only one required to be present for your session. Partners and/or other family members are welcome to attend at your discretion. Having your family’s decision makers present is highly recommended.)

Two 90 minute sessions / $525 ea


New questions, challenges, concerns, locations since your last reading? Returning Client Session time can be used for discussion on any topic that meets your needs as we explore any life issue or question you seek guidance with. A deep dive into your natal and progression charts, astrocartography maps and all transits to increase insight, understanding and powers of discernment. Composite relationship charts and annual solar return chart interpretation also available. If you need a longer session, overtime is available at $5 per minute and you'll only pay for the time you use. For established clients only.

60 Minute session l $350


In this intensive session we closely consult your natal and progression astrocartography maps, your natal and progression astrology charts and your current transits to consider locational influences within the expanded context of your inner as well as your outer journey. We’ll review where your journey has taken you and how you can be effective in letting go of past limitations. You’ll then be given practical insights, based on your unique strengths and elemental nature, to support you in realizing your greatest visions and heart’s desires for the future. Utilizing all of our astrological tools along with understanding gained through the body, mind, spirit healing traditions of the world, you’ll receive dedicated guidance in embarking on a path of personal alchemy in which your internal world begins to shape your external experience, instead of the other way around.

Two 90 minute sessions / $525 ea


“When I moved to Oregon, I thought I could transcend the difficult astrocartography influences you spoke of in my session and wanted to try. I didn’t think the impact of the Saturn or Neptune lines here would be that big of a deal. But it was. I’m a huge believer now experientially. I’ve been very humbled. Again. And Again. And Again. I’m ready for the wind at my back and to live not so opposite to my birth map.  I can feel the restriction and constriction and discipline has had its place in my life but I’m ready to live where there are supportive astrocartography forces.” -Alex, Portland, Oregon


Should I do a session now or is it better to wait until closer to the time I plan to move or travel?

Your astrocartography analysis should always come first. Many a client has gotten a reading only to learn that all of their previous considerations and research of potential places was wasted time because the places they were considering for practical reasons (sometimes for years!) promised great astrological challenge.

If I have a reading now but don’t move for a while, will the progression map part of my reading be outdated?

The Golden, Supreme and Alchemical Sessions consider your dynamic progression map as well as your permanent natal map. If you do a reading now so you can plan ahead more efficiently, we can easily look at your progressions for any year in the future or whenever you plan to be there. This way the best of both worlds can be had for both planning well in advance and still being informed of what you will find the year you actually arrive. All good!

Virtual sessions are available internationally via Zoom.

(Please contact Elizabeth directly at the email below if you live in the Eastern hemisphere to arrange for a mutually workable meeting time.)