Elizabeth Smith, Master Astrocartographer
The last 50 or so years have brought change. ALOT of change. Big BIG change. From a stellar perspective this can be explained as evidence of the end of an era known as the changing of an astrological age.
For those who are aware of it as well as those oblivious to it, what we’ve been witnessing is astrological as well as globally historic. Astrological ages last for roughly 2150 years so very few living creatures get to be alive during any given transition. We are the privileged few!
As the Age of PIsces gives way to the Age of Aquarius, the key planetary influencers, the ones that will shape large cultural patterns the world over, have also changed from Neptune to Uranus and Saturn.
Uranus’ influence has been fully embraced. It speeds things up, Being an air sign and the opposite of Pisces’ watery nature, Uranus makes social interactions more utilitarian and impersonal. It offers continuous inspiration to scientific and technological minds in its emphasis on all things innovative and revolutionary. It values social justice and relishes utopian values. We have made Uranus welcome because Uranus EXCITES the mind and energizes the lifestyle.
The one we seem to be struggling with is Saturn. And nowhere is Saturn’s influence more evident than in the strict restrictions we now call “quarantine”. Saturn is the planet with the rings around it. Its teachings are about dealing with limitations, often framed as deprivations by contemporary culture, in all forms.
What we often fail to acknowledge is the necessity and usefulness of boundaries and structure which no planet is better equipped than Saturn to provide and show us how it’s done. From those experiences we develop sterling qualities like humility, discipline, fortitude, patience.
Significantly, those are the very things popular, media based culture says are least desirable. However, without them life becomes very quickly UNSUSTAINABLE.
In mid January of 2020 Saturn lined up in exact conjunction with Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth. Since then the world has been going through enormous change (Pluto) brought on by enormous restriction (Saturn). Experts say it could be with us for a while.
Here are a few of the positive changes I’ve noted. Let me know if you think of others to add to the list.
A much larger percentage of institutional schooling is now taking place in outdoor classroom settings.
Nuclear families are spending more time together. Extended families are keeping in better touch. We are taking blood relations less for granted.
More people are cooking at home where they make healthier food choices.
Local farmers find support from local clientele booming as never before.
More people are discovering the beauty of simplicity.
More people are slowing down and spending time being regenerated in nature.
More people are practicing spiritual disciplines of every kind, from formal meditation to playing with the dog.
Previously disconnected and/or estranged family members have reunited either via altered living arrangements or increased long distance communication.
Every person who attends a video meeting rather than meeting in person has avoided using a vehicle to get to the meeting and reduced their carbon footprint.
With greater hesitation to go to allopathic medical facilities for fear of exposure to the virus, many have been taking better care of themselves and/or taken new interest in natural alternatives to chemical and mechanical healthcare.
During the extreme of lock down, skies from Los Angeles to New York cleared and turned blue again.
Life has slowed down. More people are tuning in to simpler pleasures. Creativity is on the rise. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Many more people are planting gardens again. Seed companies can barely keep up with demand.
Classes of people who have never experienced deprivation are gaining an understanding of what marginalized people have always gone through. Compassion is born of walking in another’s shoes.